Name: Nasario Giubergia

Occupation: Photographer and Content Creator

City: Turin, Italy

1.  How would you describe your personal style?
My personal style is simple and clean, something  like a modern gentleman who practices the “Sprezzatura”.

2. Where do you get your inspiration from
in terms of fashion?

I take inspiration from everything I see during my day: people, streets, colours, everything. To be honest, I also take inspiration from old style icons like, Steve McQueen, Marlon Brando or Paul Newman for example.

3. Which brands are in your wardrobe?  

Well, a lot of brands are in my wardrobe, but
I always say,  it is not important what the “brand” is,  but how you wear that single item. It’s all that makes the difference, isn’t it?!

4. What is your favorite thing about the city you live in? What brands/fashion designers/thrift stores can you reccomend there?

Well, I live in a really small town near Turin in Italy. I love quiet places. In Turin there are a lot of stores full of history, where real gentlemen used to buy their suits, gentlemen like  I’Avvocato Agnelli.I think he’s the most stylish man in Italy.

5. What are your favorite cities ( and fashion weeks ) to travel and why?

I think Milan holds the title of the Fashion city in Italy. You can feel those creative vibes everywhere, even at the restaurants. I also like Paris and London.